Vice President of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Philip Mpango, presents a trophy to PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis Simba during the opening ceremony of the Fifth e-Government Conference, held from February 11–13, 2025, at AICC in Arusha. The trophy was awarded in recognition of the Authority’s role as one of the main sponsors of the event.
The Deputy Minister of Finance, Hon.Ahmed Chande (fifth from the left), the Deputy Minister of State in the Office of the President, Finance and Planning, Hon. Juma Makungu Juma (seventh from the left), the Chairperson of the Zanzibar House of Representatives Budget Committee, Honourable Mwanaasha Khamis Juma (sixth from the left), the PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis Simba (first on the right – front), along with members of the Zanzibar House of Representatives Budget Committee and PPRA staff, after an introductory meeting held at the Ministry of Finance offices in Dodoma, January 2025. The Zanzibar House of Representatives Budget Committee made a special visit to learn and gain experience from PPRA regarding the public procurement sector.
The Director of Research and Documentation at PPRA, Mr. Masunya Nashon, explains the steps taken during the study on the effectiveness of the use of the Price Adjustment Formula in public procurement processes conducted by the Authority, during a meeting to discuss the preliminary findings of the study, held on February 7, 2025, in Dar es Salaam. To his side is Dr. Magoti Harun, a research expert from PPRA who participated in the study. The meeting was attended by the PPRA Board, Management, and experts from other public institutions. The preliminary results shows that the improper application of the formula has caused financial losses to the government.
The PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis Simba (standing), presents a summary of the preliminary findings of the study, which aims at evaluating the effectiveness of the proper application of the Price Adjustment Formula in public procurement processes, conducted by the Authority. The meeting to discuss the report of these findings includes the PPRA Board and Management, as well as experts from other public institutions. It takes place on February 7, 2025, in Dar es Salaam. To his left is the Chairperson of the PPRA Board, Dr. Leonada Mwagike.
The Chairperson of the PPRA Board of Directors, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (standing), opens a meeting aimed at discussing the preliminary findings of a study on the effectiveness of the Price Adjustment Formula in public procurement processes conducted by the Authority. The meeting, which includes members of the PPRA Board of Directors, Management, and representatives from public institutions, took place on February 7, 2025, in Dar es Salaam. The preliminary results show that the improper application of the price adjustment formula, as outlined in the Public Procurement Act, causes financial losses for the government. The final results of the study will be presented according to established procedures and regulations.
The Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis K. Simba, provides services to stakeholders on the effectiveness of the NeST System in enabling the implementation of preference schemes for Tanzanians during the 15th Procurement and Supply Professionals Conference organized by PSPTB, held from December 17-19, 2024, in Arusha.
The Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis K. Simba, provides services to stakeholders on the effectiveness of the NeST System in enabling the implementation of preference schemes for Tanzanians during the 15th Procurement and Supply Professionals Conference organized by PSPTB, held from December 17-19, 2024, in Arusha.
The Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis K. Simba, provides services to stakeholders on the effectiveness of the NeST System in enabling the implementation of preference schemes for Tanzanians during the 15th Procurement and Supply Professionals Conference organized by PSPTB, held from December 17-19, 2024, in Arusha.
PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis Simba, presented the achievements of the Sixth Phase Government in the Public Procurement sector during a strategic meeting with media editors on November 4, 2024, in Dar es Salaam. Mr. Simba stated that among the successes, the PPRA saved a total of 14.94 billion Tanzanian Shillings through audits and 2.7 trillion Tanzanian Shillings through monitoring.
PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis K. Simba (third-left) poses for a group photo with PPRA Coastal Zone Manager, Ms. Vicky Mollel (second left), Public Relations and Communication Manager, Ms. Remija Salvatory, and representatives from Penresa , the International Media Consultancy. This moment was captured on November 1, 2024, at the PPRA Coastal Zone Offices following an interview that will be featured in international media outlets.
Mr. Dennis K. Simba, Director General of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), participates in an exclusive interview with Penresa, the International Media Consultancy. This interview is part of the documentary titled “Tanzania: The African Dream,” conducted on November 1, 2024 at the PPRA Coastal Zone Offices in Dar es Salaam. The documentary is set to be featured on prominent platforms, including CNBS News Africa and other international outlets.
PPRA Director of ICT Systems, Mr. Michael Moshiro, presents the effectiveness of the NeST System during a meeting with representatives from the World Bank on October 29, 2024 in Arusha. The meeting focuses on the World Bank's plan to use the NeST System in projects supported by the Bank, which involve international bidding
The PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis Simba (right), explains a point to the World Bank representatives during a discussion on the plan to use the NeST System for projects supported by the Bank in international competition, on October 28, 2024, in Arusha
Mtwara District Commissioner, Hon. Abdallah Mwaipaya (right), a former broadcaster, at the PPRA booth during the 'Malkia wa Nguvu' campaign in the district, conducting an interview with the Southern Regional Manager of PPRA, Mr. Finias Manasseh. The District Commissioner takes on the role of a temporary broadcaster for Clouds FM’s 'Leo Tena' program.
The Minister of Finance, Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba (center), Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Ms. Jenifa Omolo (second from right), Deputy Permanent Secretary (Public Finance Management) of the Ministry of Finance, Ms. Amina Khamis Shaaban (far right), Chairperson of the Board of Directors of PPRA, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (second from left), and the Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis Simba, after the Authority presented the 2023/24 Annual Report to the Minister on September 28, 2024, in Dar es Salaam.
Minister of Finance, Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba (second from left), receives the Annual Report from the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) presented by the Chairperson of the Authority's Board, Dr. Leonada Mwagike, on September 28, 2024, in Dar es Salaam. To his left is the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Ms. Jenifa Omolo, and to his right is the Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis Simba.
The Minister of Finance, Hon. Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba (left), and PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis Simba, observe events during the closing day of the 16th East African Procurement Forum, held on September 12, 2024, at AICC – Arusha.
PPRA Director of Information and Communication Technology, Mr. Michael Moshiro (second from the right), responds to questions during the discussion session following his presentation on the NeST system at the 16th East African Procurement Forum. The event took place from September 9 - 12, 2024, at the AICC in Arusha and was attended by participants from eight countries within the East African Community.
Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Doto Biteko, receiving a gift on behalf of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, from the Deputy Minister of Finance, Mr. Hamad Chande, following the launch of the NeST System on September 9, 2024, at the AICC conference hall in Arusha.
Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Doto Biteko (center), with the Deputy Minister of Finance, Hon. Hamad Chande (to his right); the Chairperson of the PPRA Board, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (second from right); the Permanent Secretary – Treasury, Dr. Natu El-maamry Mwamba (far right); the Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis Simba (to his left); and leaders from security and defense agencies, following the official launch of the NeST system on September 9, 2024, in Arusha.
Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Doto Biteko (center) with Hon. Hamad Chande, Deputy Minister for Finance (to his right); Dr. Leonada Mwagike, Chairperson of the PPRA Board (second from the right); Dr. Natu El-maamry Mwamba, Permanent Secretary – Treasury (far right); Mr. Dennis Simba, Director General of PPRA (to his left); and other senior government officials, following the official launch of the NeST system on September 9, 2024, in Arusha.
PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis Simba, handing over the Public Procurement Act No. 10 of 2023 and its 2024 Regulations to Clouds Media Group Director of Investment and Development, Ms. Sheba Kusaga, during his visit to the Clouds Media Group Headquarters on September 5, 2024.
PPRA Director General, Mr. Dennis Simba, discussing opportunities for Tanzanians under the new Public Procurement Act on the 'Good Morning' program on Wasafi FM, September 5, 2024. He also provided information about the forthcoming East African Procurement Forum.
The Minister of Finance, Hon. Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba (second from the left), speaking with the Deputy Minister of Finance, Hon. Hamad Chande (third from the left), Deputy Minister of State President's Office - Regional Administration and Local Government, Hon. Dr. Festo Dugange, the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Ms. Jenifa Omolo, and the Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis Simba (first from the left) at the City Hall located in Magufuli-Mtumba area, Dodoma, on August 31, 2024
Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis Simba, (left), officially hands over a special invitation to Mr. Ally Kamwe, Spokesperson for Young Africans Sports Club, to participate in the launch of the NeST System at the 16th East African Procurement Forum on September 9, 2024, in Arusha. Mr. Kamwe will play a key role in encouraging public participation. The system will be launched by Her Excellency Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Deputy Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Finance, Ms. Jenifa Omolo (right), speaks with the Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis Simba at the PPRA Pavilion at the Nanenane Agricultural International Expo 2024, recently held in Dodoma.
Arusha Regional Administrative Secretary, Mr. Missaile Albano Musa (centre), recently meets in his office with the Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis Simba (to his right), the Arusha City Director, Eng. Juma Hamsini (to his left), the Director of Procurement and Supplies Capacity Development at PPRA, Eng. Awadhi Suluo (first on the left), PPRA Northern Zone Manager, CPA Magai Maregesi, and procurement sector stakeholders. They discussed preparations for the 16th East African Procurement Forum, which will take place from September 9 – 12, 2024, in Arusha, with Her Excellency President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan as the distinguished Guest of Honor.
Arusha Regional Administrative Secretary, Mr. Missaile Albano Musa (center), meets with the Director General of PPRA, Mr. Dennis Simba (to his right), the Director of Procurement and Supplies Capacity Development at PPRA, Engineer Awadhi Suluo (second from the right), the PPRA Northern Zone Manager, CPA Magai Maregesi (first from the right), and the Director of Tanzanite Company, Ms. Elina Mwangomo (first from the left), after a discussion at the Secretary’s office regarding preparations for the 16th East African Public Procurement Forum, scheduled to take place from September 9 – 12, 2024, in Arusha, with Her Excellency President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan as the distinguished Guest of Honor.
The 16th East African Procurement Forum
TOP PERFORMER: Director General of Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organization (TIRDO), Prof. Mkumbukwa Mtambo, presents an award to Ms. Vicky Mollel, Coastal Zone Manager of PPRA, after PPRA emerged as the top performer in the Regulatory Bodies category at the Sabasaba 2024 exhibition in Dar es Salaam on July 13, 2024
PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi (seventh from the right), with the Management, PPRA staff, procurement stakeholders, and Artist Amini (to his left) at the Authority's booth during the Sabasaba exhibition in Dar es Salaam. PPRA has set up a booth at the Sabasaba exhibition to provide services related to the NeST System and the new Public Procurement Act of 2023.
The PPRA Board of Directors and Management with TANROADS employees and experts participating in the J.P Magufuli Bridge (Kigongo – Busisi) construction project that crosses Lake Victoria, listen to a report on the implementation of the project, recently in Mwanza city, before heading to the project site
The Chairperson of the PPRA Board of Directors, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (eighth from the right), in a group photo with the Board members and Management of the Authority, TANROADS employees, and experts participating in the J.P Magufuli Bridge (Kigongo – Busisi) construction project that crosses Lake Victoria with a length of 3.2 kilometers, recently at the project site.
The Director General of PPRA, Eliakim Maswi asks a question to the Lake Zone Manager of TANROADS, Pascal Ambrose, during a visit by the Board of Directors and Management of the Authority to the J.P Magufuli Bridge construction project that crosses Lake Victoria with a length of 3.2 kilometers, recently in Mwanza Region.
The Chairperson of the PPRA Board of Directors, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (fifth from the right), with Board members and Management, listens to an expert from TANROADS who explains the stages of the J.P Magufuli Bridge (Kigongo – Busisi) construction project that crosses Lake Victoria with a length of 3.2 kilometers, on June 17, 2024, when the Authority visits the project in Mwanza Region
The Chairperson of the PPRA Board, Dr. Leonada Mwagike, listens to the PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi, who speaks after receiving a report on the project from the Lake Zone Manager of TANROADS, Pascal Ambrose, during the authority's visit to inspect the project on June 17, 2024
PPRA Director General, Mr. Eliakim Maswi, presents a topic during a training session for Members of the Parliament of Tanzania on the e-Procurement System of Tanzania (NeST) and the Public Procurement Act No. 10 of 2023, recently in Dodoma. The members of parliament commended the government for the significant advancements in the public procurement sector to ensure attainment of value for money.
Commissioner of Public Procurement Policy, Dr. Frederick Mwakibinga (right), introducing a presentation on the NeST System, delivered by PPRA Coastal Zone Manager, Ms. Vicky Mollel (center), and a presentation on the New Public Procurement Law by a representative from the Ministry of Finance, during the training on the electronic complaints submission module organized by the Public Procurement Appeals Authority (PPAA), Mei 29, 29024 in Dar es Salaam
Deputy Minister of Finance, Hon. Hamad Chande (right), presenting a token of appreciation to PPRA Coastal Zone Manager, Ms. Vicky Mollel, on behalf of the Authority, for PPRA's role in facilitating the training on the electronic complaints submission module through the NeST System, organized by PPAA, on May 29, 2024, in Dar es Salaam. In the center is the Commissioner of Public Procurement Policy, Dr. Frederick Mwakibinga.
The Chairperson of the PPRA Board of Directors, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (left), congratulates PPRA employee Ms. Flora Mwenyembegu for winning a silver medal at the May Day Games. Ms. Mwenyembegu received the congratulations on behalf of PPRA athletes who won one gold medal and nine silver medals in the competition. Dr. Mwagike extended these congratulations during a leadership training for the Authority's Board, recently in Iringa
PPRA Manager of Capacity Building and Advisory Services, Gilbert Kamnde provides guidance to international tenderers navigating the National e-Procurement System of Tanzania (NeST) during a training session held recently in Arusha
PPRA Board Members and Management attentively engage as PPRA Director of Information and Communication, Michael Moshiro delivers a comprehensive presentation on the advancements of the National e-Procurement System of Tanzania (NeST), during a recent meeting in Iringa
Members of the PPRA Board, from left: Ms. Mary Lyimo, Mr. Allan Kiula, Dr. Neema Mssusa, and Adv. Maria Memba, attentively follow a presentation by Michael Moshiro, PPRA Director of Information and Communication, detailing the ongoing progress of the National e-Procurement System of Tanzania (NeST) during a recent session in Iringa
Iringa Regional Commissioner, Peter Serukamba (center), joins PPRA Board Chairperson, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (second left), PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi, Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) Program Director, Prof. Michael Munkumba, and members of the PPRA Board of Directors for a group photo. The gathering commemorated the officiation of training sessions on management for the Authority’s Board and Management members, held recently in Iringa
Iringa Regional Commissioner, Peter Serukamba (center), shares a moment of joy with PPRA Board Chairperson, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (first left), and PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi, during the opening of training for members of the Authority's Board and Management, held recently in Iringa
Iringa Regional Commissioner, Peter Serukamba (center), poses for a group photo with PPRA Board Chairperson, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (second left), PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi, ESAMI Program Director, Prof. Michael Munkumba, and members of PPRA Board of Directors and Management after officiating training on management for the Authority’s Board and Management members, recently in Iringa
Relocation of Authority’s Headquarters Office
Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Shikegi Komatsubara (left), and PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi (right), sign agreement documents of the sustainable public procurement project, at the Authority’s headquarters in Dodoma, recently
PPRA Board Chairperson, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (second left), alongside the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Shikegi Komatsubara (centre), and PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi (second right), pictured after signing the agreement documents to facilitate the sustainable public procurement project aimed at enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. The signing took place at the Authority’s Headquarters in Dodoma. Also present were Secretary of PPRA Workers Council, Martin Sapanjo (left), and Representative of TUGHE – Dodoma Region, Maisha Mbilla
PPRA Board Chairperson, Dr. Leonada Mwagike (second left-seated), the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Shikegi Komatsubara (centre), and PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi (second right), representative of Tanzania Union of Government and Health Employees (TUGHE) – Dodoma Region, Maisha Mbilla (first-right), and PPRA members of management, after signing agreement documents of the sustainable public procurement project
Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Rosemary Senyamule, signs the guest book at PPRA Director General’s office, on arrival for the Authority’s Workers Council Meeting in Dodoma, as Director General Eliakim Maswi looks on
Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Rosemary Senyamule, speaks when officiating the Workers Council meeting in Dodoma recently. Seated are PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi (second left), Secretary of PPRA Workers Council, Martin Sapanjo (left) and TUGHE national and regional representatives.
Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Rosemary Senyamule (centre) listens to PPRA Director General, Eliakim Maswi (second left), during the opening ceremony of the PPRA Workers Council Meeting, recently in Dodoma. Others are Secretary of PPRA Workers Council, Martin Sapanjo (left), and representatives of TUGHE
Director General of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Mr. Eliakim Maswi (third right) receiving an award for appreciating and recognizing his contribution to PPRA staff from the Chairman of the Tanzania Union of Government and Health Employees (TUGHE) Dodoma Region Mr. Maulidi Kipeneku (second left) at the PPRA Staff meeting held on March 14, 2024 in Dodoma.
Director General of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Mr. Eliakim Maswi (third right) showing the award given to him by the Tanzania Union of Government and Health Employees (TUGHE) Dodoma Dodoma Region.